Cummins Writes

Education, Games, and Sums

Way back in my feral youth, I had a status-conscious PE ('physical education') teacher. He used to rail against the labeling of one of our mandatory sessions of sporting activity on the shared planner: "GAMES"

He would say (and I still remember, so it worked) "That's like calling maths 'sums'" and then launch into a somewhat vaguer soliloquoy on what he was /really/ teaching to us out on that alternately muddy or frozen rugby field.

Well, regardless of those cheerful memories, I now suspect that he had a point, at least by accident. Never mind all the 'teamwork and leadership' chat (more efficiently taught in contexts closer to those in which students might actually collaborate with others, i.e. achieving a shared mission of some sort).

Instead, it's just that actually learning complex movements - and the pursuits that are made up of them - is indeed a lot more than 'sums'.

The tricky part is preserving an education mindset while incorporating the physical: how do you best inject, introduce, provoke understanding, when it comes to complex movements?

I have made a few steps on this journey, and it's one I shall be content to continue for a long time to come :)