Cummins Writes

the liquid present

People who know me personally are probably tired of the rowing metaphors and analogies I make.

Figuring out how to row a single scull is an endless source of inspiration.

Here's a musing that doesn't directly originate with my time on the water, even if it sounds like it does.

I'm far from the first person to think of time as liquid. For analytical philosophers, I'm specifically referring to the 'specious present'; the present that we perceive.

It's a metaphor I get a lot of value out of, on an ongoing basis.

Just re-inserting myself into that liquid flow of time seems to be about as good as a meditation or mindfulness session.

Try it after a long phone call, or when you feel like you're acting without purpose.

Just feel and see time passing in your peripheral vision.

No specific mantras, body position, ritual. Just liquid time, passing.