Cummins Writes

The von Manstein Matrix in the era of GPT

I often find myself telling friends and acquaintances some version (descriptive or imperative) of "[I] just get GPT to do it".

For me, this recalls the von Manstein Matrix, as championed by Richard Koch (no links, get your AI to google the names).

Not that we weren't already in a 'von Manstein' era, as RK has already described, but I wonder if we are now in one in which preferences against delegation come under pressure.

Aside: do some kinds of social conditioning schemes make us more comfortable ordering an AI around? AI butler: sign me up. Coat-tailed equivalent: sounds awkward. Proof of my irredeemably naff middle-class status, no doubt.

Koch identifies a similar emotional, even moral or spiritual resistance to the life choices exemplified in von Manstein's 'intelligent but lazy' quadrant: a Protestant work ethic, an insistence on /doing the work/, or feeling oneself to do so.

I suspect that the spread of GPT (AI assistants more widely) makes it harder to be 'Protestant', in the sense of insisting on doing work yourself. To use this tech at all requires that the user tries on a commanding voice.

PS: A small irony. I wrote this all myself.